Erin Weigel

Erin Weigel is an Amsterdam-based Principal Designer, Senior Design Manager, and Conference Speaker. She writes about Conversion Design, UX, A/B Testing, CRO, business, and leadership.

Some of the most impactful experiments run on high-traffic websites involve improvements in color.

The right colors can mean the difference between a buy and a bounce. A prime example of this is a case study from Bing. Ron Kohavi, an expert in online experimentation and author of the book “Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments” shared this experiment in a Harvard Business Review article.

How Microsoft made big conversion gains with small color tweaks Read More →

A/B Testing

How Microsoft made big conversion gains with small color tweaks

Screenshot of Speero's A/B tesing tool comparison website

Speero’s A/B testing tool comparison website Helping you find the right experimentation tool quickly and easily Speero’s A/B testing too comparison website includes a comprehensive list of options. If you’re looking to buy an experimentation platform or an A/B testing tool, check out Speero’s excellent A/B testing tool comparison website. With Speero’s A/B testing tool

A/B testing tool comparison Read More →


A/B testing tool comparison

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