
Helpful things I recommend.


Helpful things I recommend.

Control 13 people with 5 confounds. Treatment 7 people with 5 confounds. Warning! This is an SRM.

What you need to know about sample ratio mismatches (SRMs)

Randomization within experimentation is important. It’s how we isolate the change we aim to learn about. When randomization goes wrong, you can get an SRM.

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Thumbnail of the templates in the Good Experimental Design toolkit. There are five templates.

The Good Experimental Design toolkit

The Good Experimental Design toolkit Templates and checklist to level-up your experimental design The Good Experimental Design Toolkit by Erin Weigel. As Ronald Fisher learned, experiment data is only as good as the design you put into it. This calls-to-mind a common mantra among data scientists and software engineers: “Garbage in, garbage out.” If the […]

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Screenshot of Lukas Vermeer's manual SRM checker at

Lukas Vermeer’s manual sample ratio mistmatch (SRM) checker

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Screenshot of Speero's A/B tesing tool comparison website

A/B testing tool comparison

Speero’s A/B testing tool comparison website Helping you find the right experimentation tool quickly and easily Speero’s A/B testing too comparison website includes a comprehensive list of options. If you’re looking to buy an experimentation platform or an A/B testing tool, check out Speero’s excellent A/B testing tool comparison website. With Speero’s A/B testing tool […]

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Got things that need doin'?

I'm available to speak at events and do practical design workshops. If you'd like to level-up your team, gimme a shout.

Got things that need doin'?

I'm available to speak at events and do practical design workshops. If you'd like to level-up your team, gimme a shout.

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