Design for Impact
Your Guide to Designing Effective Product Experiments
Design for Impact features the Conversion Design process to help you and your team drive business growth. In it, Erin Weigel gives you practical tips and tools to design better experiments at scale. She does this with self-deprecating humor that will leave you smiling—if not laughing aloud.
The Good Experimental Design toolkit in the appendix presents everything you learn into step-by-step process for you to use each day.
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Opinion-based product design and development decisions are woefully ineffective.
“Design for Impact” gives you the science-backed tools you need to move beyond opinion and drive growth through experimentation. Packed with practical A/B testing advice and some hilariously instructive anecdotes, “Design for Impact” guides you through the entire Conversion Design process.
The Conversion Design process combines design, science, and business. Design by way of human-centered problem solving. Science by way of the scientific method. And business by way of value creation and transfer to stakeholders within the eco-system.
Conversion Design
Unlike other design processes, which are based on linear thinking, Conversion Design is based on systems thinking. Systems thinking, is a practice and set of tools that helps you understand and capture things in a dynamic and interconnected way. With it, you can represent and understand the world around you more accurately to make optimal decisions in the face of complexity.
Systems Thinking
Conversion Design works much like a machine. Teams work together and lean on each other’s strengths at different points in the Conversion Design process by representing a wide range of disciplines. Everyone plays an important role to get through each step.
The Conversion Design Process
When teams go through each step, they have collected highly reliable evidence from a randomized controlled experiment.An A/B test is a common form of randomized controlled experiment. And it's the secret sauce to designing better products. “Design for Impact” walks you through how to design effective product experiments to create the knowledge you need to make optimal decisions.
At the end of the process, you can utilize data and information collected from the whole hierarchy of evidence to make the best decision possible.
The Hierarchy of Evidence
As a bonus, “Design for Impact” gives you “The Good Experimental Design Toolkit.” With this toolkit you can immediately convert your new knowledge into impactful action.
The Good Experimental Design Toolkit
Templates and a checklist to structure your thoughts.